
Softener SCM

Softener SCM

Chemical composition

Alkyl imidazoline derivatives


Appearance:  Milky white to yellow paste

Ionicity:      Amphoteric

pH of 1% aq.    Solution:7.0—9.0

Solubility :    Solvents such as ethanol , chloroform but insoluble in toluene and ether

Property:     The product has good penetrating and antistatic abilities and gives fabrics and leathers good softness.

Stability:      Stable to acids, alkalis and salts.


1 Softener SCM is used in silk scouring process to give the silk a softening  feeling . It imparts bulky and smoothy handling to viscose rayon in the second washing process and thus make it easy to blend viscose and wool.

2. This product can be used in the finish process of polyacrylonitrile fiber and  its blended good with the same effect as that of softener VS.

3.Besides, It also can be applied in lerther industry.


50kg  120kg plastic drum


Shelf life of the product is 6 months,if being stored in cool, dry and ventilated warehouse.

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